Female Nude Portrait Painting



Boudoir Portrait By Artist Hanne Lore Koehler

Commission an original watercolor, oil or acrylic painting, ink or pencil drawing from your photo by portrait artist Hanne Lore Koehler direct from artist's studio online or in person. Order a family portrait, nude boudoir portraits, head of state portrait, congressional portrait, CEO portrait, professor alumni portrait, posthumus portrait, celebrity or wedding portrait, special occasion portrait.

My basic PRICE LIST will give you a general idea of my fees; however, for a definite quote, please email your photo and specifications (size, watercolor, oil, acrylic, pencil) along with details you would like added, omitted, changed or combined with another photo and request a FREE quotation for the commission of your work of art.

I would be delighted to examine your photographs and offer suggestions. I specialize in painting composition. If you have a photo in which facial expression is great but you are not happy with the pose, the background, etc., I will compose the painting extracting elements from a number of different photos to your satisfaction. At Koehler Art Studio, everyone is a star. All portraits are original paintings - NOT mechanically reproduced - all personally hand-painted with sensitivity by artist Hanne Lore Koehler. Satisfaction guaranteed. We deliver worldwide. International clients welcome!

watercolor nude woman portrait



Painting of Nude Woman In Hawaii

This watercolor portrait was commissioned by a loving husband of his beautiful wife to commemorate their happy Hawaiian vacation. The reference photo they sent was taken inside the hotel room. I painted a soft abstract background from my imagination to reflect the beautiful flower lei and plumeria bloom in her hair and allow the subject to stand out.
If you are considering a nude or boudoir portrait commission by me, rest assured, I will paint your portrait with sensitivity and respect. Your privacy will be honored - no one will see your photos or the painting but me. Neither your nude photos nor the completed painting commission will be uploaded to my website without your permission. Please do not submit pornography for estimate. The subject must be age of consent.

Hi Hanne,
The painting is wonderful! We love it! It more than meets our expectations! We definitely approve! Thank you for working with us and giving some insight into the artistic process. How would you recommend we frame it? Kerry loves it and would be happy to have you display the entire painting on your website. Hawaiian Vacation is a great name - we were in Hawaii when the picture was taken. We look forward to seeing it on there. Thanks so much and we both love it! It was a pleasure working with you! Take care! Scott

watercolor painting of nude woman

Original image size: 12" x 18"
Framed to size: 20" x 26"

hand-painted by

Hanne Lore Koehler



Boudoir Painting Canvas Art Prints

Shop for canvas art prints of this commissioned watercolor portrait. For prices, sizes, information about art prints, canvas prints, posters, art cards, duvet covers, acrylic prints, framing, throw pillows, shower curtains, tote bags, fleece blankets and more fine products . . .


Female Nude Art Prints



Hanne Lore Koehler:

To all the outstanding contemporary artists below who took the time to visit my website and comment on my work, I am deeply touched by your generous comments and warm welcome into the international community of artists hosted by Fine Art America! Your overwhelming support and selfless promotion are heart-warming. I am honored to get to know you through your art.

Comments by other artists:

Michael Durst
Magical portrait with its colors and florals. The couple must have been delighted!

Genevieve Esson
So beautiful! Gorgeous colors and portrait Hanne!

Susan Brown Slizys art signature name
Beautifully accomplished commissioned art Hanne. I am sure the wife was delighted . The skin tones and flowers are excellent.

Geraldine Scull
Nicely done portrait !

Meg Shearer
So sweet, and beautiful work Hanne!

Cindy Treger
Hanne, another amazing work of art.

Sunil Kapadia
Amazing portrait! Beautiful color rendering and detailing. Love that expression so natural. Fabulous!

Donna Kennedy
Excellent detail and color in this wonderful commissioned portrait Hanne!!

Carolyn LeGrand
A gorgeous watercolor painting of a lovely woman. I can only imagine how thrilled they were of the portrait.

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju
Full of Life with great expression! Love the details.

For best quality highest resolution images, buy direct from artist studio online above or in person. Shop for original portrait paintings and prints by portrait artist Hanne Lore Koehler. Commission an original watercolor, acrylic painting or oil on canvas painting of that special person in your life. Order this figurative nude boudoir painting as canvas prints, art prints, art posters, acrylic prints, metal prints and art cards. Commission a head-of-state portrait, presidential portrait, prime minister portrait, governmental portrait, congressional portrait, official portrait, family portrait or painting of your friends.

Shop direct from artist at Koehler Art Studio Gallery


All Images Copyright Hanne Lore Koehler. All rights reserved